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Build anywhere, outside.


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It makes sense that you can only build at a limited number of locations, but yes it would be great if we could build anywhere. Everyone likes different things, some might like a spot partially enclosed by chain-link, or a nice spot by a river. The freedom of choice would greatly enhance the settlement feature.

no.....because you can build anywhere in minecraft without monsters spawning inside your base due to placing torches


so a game company who should know better bethesda should know how to build it better than minecraft

Edited by skannerz22
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I don't think it would be so easy, since you would probably have to also make a tool that will make icons of places you make on map, or would you like to manually look for the stuff you made on foot, without fast travel each time?


I think there are actually in the workshop fast travel floormats that can be placed


that doesn't let you build anywhere outside the zone


the clearing doesn't work everywhere since there isn't location names for everywhere

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that is a game breaker to be honest...


Pathfinding, "navmeshing" or what ever would be a nightmare and there are ALREADY a few bugs with this as it is, observe your companions and other npcs to see what im talking about...


SOME parts seem to have some means of "navmesh" built into them but yeah building ANYWHERE would be rediculus, not only for that but the memory and savegame bloat would be mind numbing...


if anything be able to SCAVANGE parts off buildings (like cool signs) would be enough...

I mean I like the fact that for ONCE im playing a beth game and it isnt crashing every 45 mins... or bugging out because npcs cant get where there meant to be ....


sorry, nothing personal but i give this idea a bit of a thumbs down... purely on logical stability causes... it would be nice bt its all in all a pipe dream imo

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