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My list of things I would like to see/do myself


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Hi there!

I had some Ideas (this list will probably get longer) and I thought I'd share them.

Things you can do without the GECK:

-shorter dresses (if the textures work with alpha channels)
-makeup retexture

Things you need a GECK for:

-'Immortan Joe'-Style armor parts (transparent plexi/glass)
-dresses that let you wear armor over them
-let the player change makeup at the hairdresser (haven't found a location where I can do that yet other than facial reconstruction surgeon)
-This will be a LOT of work: Split every outfit up into body(top/bottom), shoes and gloves so you can mix and match
-make some more glasses that look decent
-Vault Girl UI with a script that decects the gender of the player character. If done properly, it should include a full set of new UI animations, including the perk chart
-last rank of Black Widow/Lady Killer acts like Cherchez la femme/Confirmed Bachelor from F:NV. I mean, you can do homosexual romances, but there is only a perk for heterosexual stuff? Really?

That's it for now.

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