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Tattooed neck


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Hey all

I recently installed this NPC new clothes revised.

However, after that, everything is fine and I love it except that Rohann(??? From fighting chance) and Rhianna and maybe some other women that I haven't discovered yet have this....sorta tattoo around their neck. I'm not sure if it's tattoo but there're some letters showing there and it looks bad bad bad.

What could be causing it?

I went from Growlf's to Eshme because the revised version, not the version that says final, said to install Eshme's.

I even tried to go back to Growlfs then I have this weird menu icon when I try and buy something at Divine Elegance and still the tattoo looking thing doesn't go away.

What could be causing it and how can I fix it?




Oh by the way, when I went in CS and load Eshme's mod and tried to preview some female, it warned me saying "Old version blah blah and it needs to be re-exported" something like that. I don't know what exactly it would mean tho. But the preview window shows head here and body there and hands would be there and so on. I'm so lost.

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I had a problem like this when switching between body mods (I can't remember which ones). Anyway, I think Growlf's and Eshme's both use the foot_female texture for their body meshes, but the textures map to different areas on the mesh. I remember that one of the body textures that I installed had some sort of copyright notice or something in the unused (to that body mod) part of the texture. So... when the meshes were swapped and not the textures, the writing (which can look like a tattoo) shows up in-game.


I believe that some of the clothes in the NPC new clothes mod you installed use the texture mappings of Growlf's, but you said you installed Eshme's. This could be the problem you are seeing. Try doing a total reinstall of one or the other of your body mods (start w/ Growlfs) and see if that helps. Also, I think the New Clothes mod also needs to be last in your mod load order. The easiest way to do that is, of course, OBMM.


You could also try the new FemaleEyeCandy replacer. It is available in Nude and Underwear versions.

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I had a problem like this when switching between body mods (I can't remember which ones). Anyway, I think Growlf's and Eshme's both use the foot_female texture for their body meshes, but the textures map to different areas on the mesh. I remember that one of the body textures that I installed had some sort of copyright notice or something in the unused (to that body mod) part of the texture. So... when the meshes were swapped and not the textures, the writing (which can look like a tattoo) shows up in-game.


I believe that some of the clothes in the NPC new clothes mod you installed use the texture mappings of Growlf's, but you said you installed Eshme's. This could be the problem you are seeing. Try doing a total reinstall of one or the other of your body mods (start w/ Growlfs) and see if that helps. Also, I think the New Clothes mod also needs to be last in your mod load order. The easiest way to do that is, of course, OBMM.


You could also try the new FemaleEyeCandy replacer. It is available in Nude and Underwear versions.

THanks for the reply.

Yeah it was one of those files that didn't get deleted. Fortunately tho I had a back up of the character folder and replaced the messed up folder with it and installed the mod you recommeded. Now the girls are hot again. thanks!

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