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Make persuade and intimidate speech checks into requirements, not percentage chance of success.


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At current I think the system works as it does in FO3 where a high speech skill gives you a high chance to succeed, but you can still fail, unlike in NV where if you have the speech skill, you succeed. I think the second is way more realistic, as the former just leads to clicking the option anyway because you have a 14% chance to succeed or whatever with low skill anyway, and it's worth a punt. And EVEN WORSE, if you have high charisma you can end up not being able to persuade people, particularly where it's just one damn check after another. Which is utter rubbish, and just makes me want to reload a save.

So somebody, please make a mod that changes it to the NV mechanic if you can. I will pay £20 through paypal to anyone that manages it, just PM me.


I really hope I don't have to wait for the GECK to come out before this mod can be made :/

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