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Natural Enviroment Glitch?


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I have the "Natural Enviroment" mod on. I like it alot when it works. However, at night, the sky turns purple and is quite annoying. Anyone know why this is going on?
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Well, now that I looked over the Readme.txt a little more throughly, I've found out that if this were to happen, I would use a little device called the "Oblivion Content Validator." It does come with the mod, but I have no idea what it does, or how to use it. Any idea of what this is?


"If you experience any problems (such as purple texturing or inability to see new meshes/textures in the game) with running this or other mods, please try a method of validating new files by using the Oblivion Content Validator utility that comes with this mod (you may find it in Natural Environments Unsupported Extras)."

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Re-extract the file if you deleted the contents already. It'll be there again. Or just try Re-installing the plugin, no harm comes from doing that. Also, if you have Shivering Isles I recomend not using "Natural Weather" or "Natural Foliage" As the weather mod effects the SI and the skys there get replaced with cyrodiil ones. Also you get clipping in the towns if you use Natural Folige
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