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Replace "Sarcastic" option


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The thing that annoys me the most about fallout 4's new dialogue system is the "sarcastic" option, because there's no way to know if your character is simply making a snide remark or a dumb joke, or if they're reacting to a situation in an incredibly inconsistent/inappropriate manner. It's unpredictable, and while I suppose that may be the point, to let your character surprise you, I would prefer to have more control over what my protagonist is going to say.


I would like a mod that replaces the "sarcastic" label for the left dialogue option with a paraphrased version of what your character will actually say when the option is chosen.


I imagine it wouldn't be possible without the official mod tools coming out early next year, and even with them, it would not be a simple task, but it would definitely improve the experience for me. If anyone else thinks this is a good idea, perhaps a(n obviously spoiler heavy) list could be compiled of all the different sarcastic dialogue choices, along with potential replacements.






Well it looks like this mod makes my mod idea completely redundant. Unless there's anyone out there who feels strongly about keeping most of the original dialogue options and only replacing the "sarcastic" option, this mod solves the issue just fine.

Edited by Anathlyst
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