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¿how i save changes to a clothing sliders with outfit studio?


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The steeps that i follow are:


1-Open bodyslide

2-Select CBBE HDT in body

3-Select skinny preset

4-Open outfit studio

5-Load a project with a clothing outfit studio preset (LS lingerie by nausica)

6-Select skinny preset in the sliders menu

7-Save project as: save


And when i load the game, and i put the clothing to mi character, the changes aren't loaded in the clothing.



¿how i save the changes in the clothing?


¿what i am doing wrong?

Edited by juakoblabla
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(the magic was click on "export nif" and replace the outfit's nif meshes in the data folder)

I’m doing exactly this and I’m still not seeing the changes in game. Maybe I’m checking the wrong boxes under Outdit Group? What folders should be generated after running a Batch Build?

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