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Editing Amber Armor


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Hello, I am very much a n00b at Oblivion modding, But I have been modding other games for years. I've made some red glass armor:


but I am such a n00b that I could only edit someone elses mod (the Ice Glass Armor that comes with "Bruma Hunting Lodge"). How can I create a seperate new glass armor from the default green glass with the attributes that I want, and then recolor it and put it in a store for sale? I just found the BSA unpacker, so I have my files unpacked now, I just don't know how to clone the green glass armor.


Also, I tried unpacking the shivering isles .BSAs, but I get an error. Is there any way to edit them? I want to make the amber armor match the red glass armor, so I can mix-and-match the two sets.

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