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A Few Simple GECK Questions


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I have been learning the geck without the aid of tutorials but with some much appreciated help from the community. I know it well enough but there are a few thing I would like to know which google and the geck wiki could not turn up.


- Is there a way to change camera angles? I know the "C" key works but it seems to only have three preset views (Top, front, side) I would like to be able to examine all sides not just the one.


- What does "Sight usage" do, I have set this to 0, 1, 10 and noticed no difference.


- how well does "aim arc" work? I would like to make a "Real World Ballistics" mod that simulates the pull that gravity has over a bullet, known by many as "Bullet drop" and I wondered if I could use "Aim arc" to do so.


- How would I add a new face texture, and voice files (sounds)?


- What do the different hand grips do, last night I looked through them all in the search for a vertical foregrip but they all looked the same.


- How would I go about adding the weapons from my mods to NPC's so that the NCR and other factions use them?


- How do I add new NPC's to the game?


Thats all for now because I have been called to do something at the moment but I will edit this later on tonight,

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In NVGECK -> Edit Menu -> Render Window Hotkeys is a full list. The one for Camera Angle is called "Toggle Fly Cam" and its the ` key. Press it once to allow the camera to fly freely and use the mouse to pan the camera, press ` again to end this mode.


The other questions others may know answers.

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In NVGECK -> Edit Menu -> Render Window Hotkeys is a full list. The one for Camera Angle is called "Toggle Fly Cam" and its the ` key. Press it once to allow the camera to fly freely and use the mouse to pan the camera, press ` again to end this mode.


The other questions others may know answers.


wow, thanks that covers the first question.

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"How do I add this weapon to this NPC" is easy. I guess what you mean is, "How do I change the leveled lists so that when NPCs spawn, there is a chance that they will be carrying my weapon". Is that correct?


It is not convenient, but certainly possible. Each faction NPC such as NCR trooper is built up from a few standard classes. At the base class, you will find that the inventory consists of a few leveled lists. These lists show the possible weapons. What you will need to do is find all these leveled lists, pick out the ones which "should" have your weapon, and add your weapon to the list. For each faction, there are several lists; there are several factions. So it is a little time-consuming to find all the needed leveled lists. Also, by changing these lists, you are making it a little less likely that your mod will work with somebody else's mod, if they also changed these leveled lists.

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  • 1 month later...

"How do I add this weapon to this NPC" is easy. I guess what you mean is, "How do I change the leveled lists so that when NPCs spawn, there is a chance that they will be carrying my weapon". Is that correct?


It is not convenient, but certainly possible. Each faction NPC such as NCR trooper is built up from a few standard classes. At the base class, you will find that the inventory consists of a few leveled lists. These lists show the possible weapons. What you will need to do is find all these leveled lists, pick out the ones which "should" have your weapon, and add your weapon to the list. For each faction, there are several lists; there are several factions. So it is a little time-consuming to find all the needed leveled lists. Also, by changing these lists, you are making it a little less likely that your mod will work with somebody else's mod, if they also changed these leveled lists.


Thanks, and sorry for the late responce

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