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A simple idea that should make sense.


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So I was walking around in understone keep today and noticed that even with overhauled throne rooms active, why is there still so much rubble everywhere? I would think that the Silverbloods or Igmund wouldve cleaned it up. It sends a bad picture to anyone comming into the keep outright making it seem like the Jarl cant even maintain upkeep of a major hold's 'castle'.


Also consider just who is there at the time, Calecemo and his nephew, both dwemer afficiandos as well as the magical equivilant of Tameriel's Einstein (I grant you Arniel has a claim but...) would he REALLY let his lab be that crumbled? Would he really let it stay the way he found it running the risk of contantly triping and falling? I believe that, no he wouldnt. Least not in the major through-fares as well as his muesum and lab.


So, heres what im working on: cleaning it up and making Most of the keep (the entry, the throne room, outside Nucand-Zel, the Museum, as well as the more... private chambers of the mage in a more presentable state. I am aware of upkept underforge and, a lot of that mod doesnt play well as well as many issues within itself let alone how it doesnt play nice with... a lot of things. So, I was curious to see if anyone thought this might be interesting to see.

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