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Req: separate "latest files" for DA:O and DA2


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I guess they're just separate groups of categories, but if you go to http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/ you mostly just see DA2 mods now. I'll assume if there were more DA:O activity, then we'd see more DA:O mods on that page, but for those of us who don't have DA2, there doesn't seem to be a way at first glace to narrow our interests. I know about the categories page, but that seems impractical to keep on top of.


Anyway, just thought I'd ask if it might be possible to keep those two games separate there.


Edit: I know it's already been asked about having two separate sites and it won't happen unless there's another toolset - but my point is more along the lines that the DA:O updates are probably going to get washed out under DA2 for a while like this. Kind of like people posting ME2 projects on the BioWare projects page under DA:O categories... and just make it that much harder to find anything new and interesting.


Edit (from my other post): A new site would sound like overkill, but I'd settle right now for the current site to filter them better. Already people are posting DA2 mods in the DA:O categories instead of using the right ones. If it gets worse, DANexus will eventually become like BioWare's projects page in terms of finding new mods - maybe not as bad, but not worth the effort.

Edited by FollowTheGourd
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