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I HATE games that REQUIRE Online Account Logins!


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First...sorry about the rage in the thread title. I know I've asked this question before, but I did a search and couldn't find the thread I asked it in. So...


I'm trying to start/play Dragon Age. I've got all the DLC installed, and was happily playing Leliana's Song last night.


Today, however, the game is telling me that I cannot play until someone who is authorised to use the DLC has logged in, even though the game acknowledges I'm logged in! :wallbash:


I know that the DAupdater service was involved in the answer...but I can't remember what the answer/fix was.


Anyone help? I'm going to write the answer down this time so I won't have to ask again. :verymad:

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I have tried:

* logging out and back in (even got my password reset and all that, just to be sure)

* quitting DA, waiting a few minutes (to an hour, or more), and trying again

* rebooting my PC


All to no avail (so far).


My current DA:O playthrough is referencing all DLCs that the game can reference and they are all denied me, neither can I look at LS, WH, Darkspawn nor Golems - the game says that none of them are authorised (or that I am not authorised to use any of them).


I know that his is "one of those things", but given it causes so much grief, why the heck can't EA/Bioware fix the problem?


In the meantime, is there anything I can do (other than sit and play tiddlywinks while waiting for the server to realise that I am, in fact, a perfectly legitimate user of the DLCs) to get around it?

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u could edit the file addins.xml file and click find RequiresAuthorization and set it to 0. so that it dont require it. THen you may play it.


THe file is located in : documents/bioware/dragonage/settings

i do this all the time as mine always says this.

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Meh. This particular game is so downright buggy. Yeah, you're not the first person to have authorization issues. Mine does it to me here and there as well. Well, back when I was playing it, anyway.

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Here's a problem:


Using the "RequiresAuthorization=0" switch in addins.xml bypasses the can't authorise you therefore you can't play this game" problem, sure. However, it also seems that failing to propoerly authorise your DLCs in turn denies you the item achievments you obtain by completing said DLCs... :wallbash:


So you're screwed by risking the Master Server denying you for no good reason other than it's stuffed; or you get screwed by losing achievements if you bypass the Master Server so you can have hassle-free gaming.


EA has a lot to answer for on this one.




As a check, I returned all DLCs to RequiresAuthorization="1" in addins.xml and...I was immediately told that I am not authorised to use the DLCs.


So who do I annoy at EA to get this fixed? I can provide all the documentation (receipts proving purchase of Bioware points, screenshots of Achievement Items in inventory, savegames with timestamps to prove that I have used the DLCs previously) to show that I am legitimate, yet EA says I am not authorised to use material I have purchased and registered.


It's not my fault their system is bugged, and I have paid for the right to not be inconvenienced by their incompetence.

Edited by Sync182
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EA and Bioware's dlc authentication server is down and that means that if you are currently logged your bioware account in DAO your dlc will be "unauthorized" this has been the case since friday when the server went down and looks to be hopefully back up some time soon. Stay tuned at biowares forums for a status update on this event. I suggest either playing offline or moving onto a differnet game until this is resloved.
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so i was like hey i haven't played dragon age in about 2 weeks and i still need the pass awakening so i was like hey this will be fun. i try load my game and tells me this crap that the owner must log in?!?! srsly wtf IM THE OWNER. logging in and out does nothing. looks like im not the only one with this problem. thank you EA for turning bioware into a steaming piece of crap. do people have this same problem for dragon age 2 if so im not buying that game when the ultimate edition comes out or ever.


i have dragon age ultimate edition on steam if that means anything, prply doesnt.


o well i forget how much fun fallout new Vegas is.

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