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attack damage- how to get via function GetActorValue could be nvse


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Attack damage isn't an actor value hence you can't. It depends what you want to do with it, but probably the best way would be to just find out how it's calculated from the base values which you can access and calculate it yourself in the script.
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The base attack damage comes from the weapon. Each weapon also has a skill requirement associated with it.


Damage is modified by your skill (possibly compared to the weapon skill requirement), the weapon condition, and perks.


That may help you narrow down the search.


The perk bonuses are specific; skill and weapon condition modifiers I don't know the formula I'm sure someone else does. And according to the game docs, weapon condition of 75% or higher means the weapon does full damage, but below 75% the damage starts to drop off.

Edited by drakeelvin
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In the Geck, on the top menu, go to 'Character', then 'Actor Values'. It lists every one that's available by using the GetAV function.


Not all of them are used - many of them only apply to the player, etc.

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