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Turn Greeny Highlight off


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Heila again !

I've got a little bugg again... not as experience breacker as the previous one but still a bit anoying :

When something gets highlighted, THE HIGLIGHT IS REAL !

I mean, it expand to my whole screen through a weird matrix style filter, with a lot lot of little green square moving everywhere in front of my eyes...

It obviously is anoying to barely see any objects you want to put down on creation mod, or any monsters you're aiming at wit vats, but there is a second funny effect that comes with the thing : heavy fps drops.

Well... I can understand that displaying a pixel apocalypse shouldn't be a great time for my little NVidia friend...


Here I'm not sure if this is about my hardware, or a resolution bugg. But I think, the easiest way to get rid of this would be to suppress the greeny highligthning effect that has been put everywhere in the game... since I don't know how to do this, I'm coming back to you Fallout 4 community.

Here is a thing I posted on ULG mod, 'cause my pc sucks...

Now I'm posting this to, maybe, interest someone, and since f4's ck isn't here yet, try to think about something that could suppress the green highligthing thing (speacking of the one in V.A.T.S and during construction module).

So ? Any ideas ?


Because images are better than words for some people, here are some screenshots...

... for construction module :







...for V.A.T.S :





Edited by AlienisSterkur
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