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Reset Covenant settlement


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When doing the quest Human Error found in the Covenant settlement the choise as the end of the quest line is crutial for the future of the city. If you choose to not let the professor continiue her experiments the town gets hotile torwards you and you have to kill all of the villagers in order to obtain the settlement, which you can peacefully aquire if you let her continiue. When you kill everyone you can use the workbech but there will still be permanent beds that are occupied, turrets that are hostile against your own turrents, loads of items that are owned and so on.


It was a while since I completed the quest and I have progressed a lot now. It really feels wasted to restart for a save prior to the quest completion and I bet others have done the same.


The mod I would like to request could either make everything in the town accessible + restore doctor and trader in town + remove towns turrets or restore town prior to quest completion and let me choose the other option at the end of the quest line.



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I'm still vague about this buggy settlement. Reading other forums, it seems that, if you kill all the actors except Deezer and the cat, you can claim the settlement. However, the existing turrets (if you haven't destroyed them), will not be hostile but will also not count towards town defense. In roleplay mode, I will never side with a faction that considers torture a "necessary evil". So I killed the doctor. This immediately turns the town residents hostile when you return.


Once you claim the settlement, all items in the town are still marked as "steal" items. The only workaround is to use console to "setownership" on everything you really want and activate build mode to scrap the rest. However, there are some unclear mentions that (in certain circumstances), settlers attracted by a beacon to the settlement show up as hostiles once they join.


My character is outside currently, and I'm going to take out the settlers and the turrets and test it.


By the way, if Nexus has started a "SPOILERS" category, this should probably be moved there.


EDIT: OK, I took all the NPC's out at long range with a sniper rifle. The turrets did NOT aggro me for this. I then went in, opened the Workshop to claim the settlement, and did the following (requires the PC version to allow use of the console):


Using console "setownership": Changed ownership and looted critical items that I'm short of (like items with nuclear material, oil, adhesive, etc.). Changed ownership of all beds. I'm not sure this will work, but we'll see if settlers can use them. If not, simple enough to delete them and build new beds. However, there are 2 bunk beds and 1 double beds in the settlement that are very nice...and un-buildable by the player. I want to leave them if I can.


Using console "disable": Opened console, cursor-clicked each turret, and used the "disable" command to get rid of them. The turrets could not be selected from Workshop build mode, not even changing ownership. And they did not transfer and confer defense bonuses when I claimed the settlement at the workshop bench. However, the water pumps DID transfer and show up in the settlement status. Weird!


Using Workshop build mode:


Every other lootable item (vases, lamps, ashtrays, all that rubbish), I targeted them in Build mode and chose TAB and then E to store them in the workshop. Incidentally, I pulled an item out and dropped it on the ground...and it was still tagged "Steal". However, the workshop uses them for building things with no problem.


The only other unknown, at this point, is the garden. The plants were harvestable before the NPC's went hostile. Now, of course, they are inactive because they don't have NPC's assigned to them. We'll see if they work correctly when some settlers show up.

Edited by Degasai
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I used a jetpack to get over the walls before starting the quest.




I think i got my companions to teleport out before anyone got killed. But now the whole town is hostile.


I repeat

I have not even started the quest.

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