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can't save progress

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ever since downloading SI I cant seem to save my gameplay, the quicksave works and so does the autosave,,,unless I quicksave, but the regular save does not. Anyone else haveing this problem? I don't think its any of the few mods I have ( I went thru the 1.2 patch/mods CTD problems) mainly because I started a new caracter with that one.
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I am having the same problem with the 1.2 update, no SI installed but the game crashes on EVERY save/exit. Thinking it was time for a real graphics card, I upgraded my video card-great visuals, no more stuttering, but the game still won't save on exit. The autosaves are fine and saves that occur minutes before exiting are usually fine.


The same water problem (water not visible in some areas) as before the patch and before the new video card. There are also neon yellow polygons with white exclamation marks in a few areas, probably where mod elements were overwritten by the patch.

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  • 2 years later...

[i Figured Out how to save!!


alright , Here's the story, I started a new character, an orc, but I couldn't save, only auotosave. All my other characters still saved fine. So here's what I just figured out:

First I pull up the command screen by hitting the ~ button. Then I type in: savegame (namesavegamehere). So heres an example of exactly what butons to press to make a save


savegame 34






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