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I am making a horse stables mod. I want to put a custom made sign out in front of it like the other stables in the game already have. Well I created my custom mesh and textures in nifskope and gimp using the original in game sign of the lnn of lll omen. I made custom .dds and _n.dds files with gimp, and put the .nif file together with nifskope. Looks great in nifskope. The problem is when I create it in CS, the textures show up purple. I placed the meshes in Data\meshes\clutter\"my file.nif", and the textures in Data\textures\clutter\"my file.dds" and "my file _n.dds" just like the original sign is placed in the extracted Bsa directories. The thing is that in the CS, the SIGNS only have the slot where you can choose the .nif file, unlike WEAPONS and ARMOR, where you can choose the .nif and the .dds - _n.dds files. So I dont know how to get the .dds - _n.dds files(Textures) to show up on my Sign. I tried creating my own folders under data instead of clutter, but it still does not work. Did I misplace something somewhere? Can some one help me with this?
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I thought the .DDS option in the CS was for icons...



I think you are right. I looked at the world model wrong. sorry. Well I played around with the texture settings in nifskope and routed them to the corect folder in Oblivion Data, so that was the problem. Figured it out. Thanks.

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