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Oblivion and Expansions - Lower Price


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A public service announcement.


I was in Wal-Mart April 12, 2007 (yesterday) and saw they have lowered the price of:


Oblivion 39.99 (was 59.99)

Knights of the Nine - includes downloadable content 7.99 (was 19.99)

Shivering Isles 19.99 (was 29.99)


I also noticed the same sale at Circuit City


Now would be a great time to pick any of these up if you don't have them.



I had already paid full price for the expansions the other day, but still had the reciept, so I bought them again at the new lower price and returned them - unopened - right away using the old full price reciepts, effectively getting the new sale price, even though I bought them before the sale.



Hope this has been helpful.



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I had already paid full price for the expansions the other day, but still had the reciept, so I bought them again at the new lower price and returned them - unopened - right away using the old full price reciepts, effectively getting the new sale price, even though I bought them before the sale.



Hehe, sneaky male without a father. I live in Australia, so no wallmart here, but EB is doing a sale, 2 games for $50. And Oblivion (vanilla, not collector) and KoTN are there. So i'm gonna grab them. My old oblivion DVD broke, kept it in a shoddy case and it snapped.

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Ah well, I dont think SI + KoTN and their accompanying problems are worth the effort of going to the store, let alone the money (even on sale)...


Yes, Marxists review links in the other thread have jolted my memory of all the things i hate about oblivion :D...

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Ah well, I dont think SI + KoTN and their accompanying problems are worth the effort of going to the store, let alone the money (even on sale)...


Yes, Marxists review links in the other thread have jolted my memory of all the things i hate about oblivion :D...


I hear ya, but Shivering Isles is unbelievable. It's a shame that the word awesome has lost it's meaning, because that is the word to best describe it. The graphics are 'stop and take screenshots everywhere' kind of pretty.


Whereas most of the other downloadable official mods have been a very small gameplay addition, Shivering Isles is just pure content. The quests are brilliant.



It's only been out like a week or something and already droped 50% of it's original cost.



I respect your decision to wait, but I've got my save files backed up all the way to level 1, and I have the unofficial fix installed for Shivering isles IdForm, so I'll be OK. Just wait and see, there will be hundreds of mods popping up that require Shivering Isles really soon here, and by then, hopefully they have a final patch, and you might change your mind Parkillous. :happy:


There is a lot of content in that expansion, which is more than I can say for the horse armor and other downloadables.


I hope they fix the sit down bug that I heard about after you complete kotn, because if they don't, I want my money back.


And on that note... *launches Shivering Isles*

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Yes, well, right now Im just more concerned with whether or not bethesda is gonna provide a patch for the many glitches 1.2 has caused in my game... It's not that I dont want to play SI, its just the principle... ive given so much chance to oblivion despite its obvious drawbacks (AIAIAIAI!!), so the possibility of a final fix will decide whether or not i continue to play this game...
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