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Predator Playable Race Mod?


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Just a mod idea for a Predator-styled mod.


Seeing that the character creation in Fallout 4 is a huge departure from Skyrim's, would it even be possible to mod a playable race in the game, even after the GECK/Creation Kit's release next year?


If it were possible, it would be awesome to play as a Predator, and perhaps the mod may even include Predator-styled Power Armors that are placed around the world.


I know that roland113 has a cool Skyrim Predator mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24543/?

It even has a Predator blaster gun. Since Fallout already has a gun system in place, it should be far easier to mod Predator guns than in Skyrim.


The Predator wrist blades can also be styled in the form of a Power Fist.


Perhaps, one could also mod in a Yutani-Weyland (whatever it's called) building/skyscraper in the game, which contains very powerful and rare Predator tech, and tough enemies and bosses.

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