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Make Home Plate Available for Trade and Companions


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Following this topic. I NEED this, and as xtrasyn has said it's a little bit feasible by now. (I'm not familiar with the location Hangman's Alley or what 'maze' they're referring to.)


Reason: I have the Immersive Fast Travel mod installed now and would like a teleporter in Home Plate, but I'm lacking about a dozen aluminum to build it. I'm hoping not to have to fast travel all the way back to Sanctuary, my REAL home, to get some, which would defeat the purpose of the teleporters, but yeah. Guess there's always scavving around Diamond City *shrugs*


EDIT: Aaaaaand then I notice that the teleporter, when inside Home Plate, cannot connect to any of my settlements, probably for the same reason that the workshop in there can't cannot. So a bit of a shaggy dog story there, seeing as I just wasted half an hour or so of gameplay hunting down aluminum I turned out not to be able to use in that particular situation, heh.

Edited by EazyCheeze
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1. Replace the workbench in homeplate with the WorkshopWorkbenchExterior (you could also edit the WorkshopWorkbenchInterior and add the exterior keyword, but I recommend not to edit the base object). This will enable you to build all the objects that are not visible by default.


2. Create a small script that creates a supplyline with Sanctuary or whatever settlement you want. Here is an example for a quest that runs once on startup and would create a supplyline (not tested):

scriptname HomePlateConnectorScript extends Quest

WorkshopParentScript property WorkshopParent auto const
Location property HomePlateLocation auto const
Location property ConnectedSettlement auto const

Event OnQuestInit() 

Function createSupplyLine()
    if (!HomePlateLocation.isLinkedLocation(ConnectedSettlement, WorkshopParent.WorkshopCaravanKeyword))
	HomePlateLocation.addLinkedLocation(ConnectedSettlement, WorkshopParent.WorkshopCaravanKeyword)

Alternatively to 2 you can also change the linked workshop container in the LinkedRef tab to the workbench of your favorite settlement. Then both would share the exact same resources.


Happy modding!

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Thanks! I may be able to test that out for you. So, to run this script in-game, I would just copy and paste it into HomePlateConnectorScript.pex or whatever and save it in Data/Scripts, then type 'exec HomePlateConnectorScript' at the console? ('exec' might not be the proper command, I'm not a modder :) )

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Ahm nope. You create a new script (.psc) in your Scripts/Source/User folder and compile it in CK. This will create the .pex file. Now you create a quest, set it to start game enabled, which will run it once the first time you load your plugin. Give it a name and save. Then open it again, go to the scripts tab and add the script you just created. Fill the properties and test it.


Scripting tutorials: http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Category:Papyrus

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