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Always rain and storm


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So, as the title says. Rain and radiation storms are extremely well implemented in my opinion. The only thing that they rarely happen. If CK(GEKK) was out I would do this simple mod myself but as of right now this is not that simple. Could anyone please, kindly point me in right direction?

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Someone, please, help this guy. The thing is - rain kills godrays and many people would want that kind of mod to increase their games perfomance. is that even possible at this point?


I would really want to use such a mod myself.


But you don't need rain to kill off godrays. Those you can kill off by a click in the settings..

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Not sure if they need to be there always because that might also get boring. But it would definitely help the atmosphere if they happened a lot more often and most of all lasted longer - radiation storms especially rarely last longer than 5-10 minutes for me.


It would also make you appreciate the good weather a lot more and make it feel more like a wasteland. Right now it's nice and sunny for about 80% of the time. s#*!, the vanilla wasteland probably has better weather than where I live for real.

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