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Getting wet while inside of my house during the rain


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Use the launcher and go to advance setting. It one of the check boxes. Called rain something.


I have this same issue and just checked my settings. The check box is checked for rain occlusion so I don't know what the hell is going on. Only things I can think of is if maybe my NVIDIA optimizations are blocking it? Or that the game just doesn't recognize player constructed buildings as being apart of the interior environment?

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As other have said, FO4 uses a downward render pass to calculate per-pixel occlusion information for rain- which means you do NOT get wet under cover if you have the settings on.


However, the ground still gets wet (cos ground wettness is not per-pixel, so there was no easy way- at least as far as incompetent Beth coders were concerned- to decide if a patch of ground should be wet or not). The same issue is why fog gets into interiors, but as the author of true storms has discovered, this can be solved with a per-interior HINT data function. A VERY famous Skyrim mod fixed the problem with shelter and rain using a similar approach.


But if I recall, there is a game bug that sometimes has the visor of power armour somtimes still effected by rain drops even when under shelter.


The truth is that even with the n-th generation of this engine, Beth's engine coding is just absolutely putrid. Things that happen simply in open-world games from everyone else are just beyond Beth's coders. But Beth doesn't give a damn- they simply point to the Billion dollar+ sales for a game cheaply and cynically built for the PS3 (before that version got cancelled, and settlements added in at the last moment) and LAUGH.


In many ways, FO4 is a large step BACKWARDS from Skyrim. The one big improvement is lighting (especially the dynamic lighting of interior cells) but even that is buggy as hell and requently has a very unreasonable performance hit.


Since running water (as seen in Skyrim) was going to be missing in FO4, the least we expected was a much better weather system. What we got was just plain shameful.

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To be fair, most of the roofs are very swiss-cheesy.


A solid roof should stop the rain though...there'll probably be a mod for that once the G.E.C.K. comes out, one was made for Skyrim. Who knows, Beth may even do it.

Dont get your hopes up for bethesda to do it, even if they would start caring about fixing their game, i doubt any of them have the know-how.

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  • 1 year later...

I apologise for raising this thread from the dead, but I found it while trying to get out of the rain inside my latest play-through player house...the drive with my ini files had died and I had forgotten why it rains inside.


Thought it worth mentioning that:


a. Beth has not fixed their game, still; and,


b. Rather than giving us pissy 'game advice' in their load screens and 'Creators Club wank-hints', they could advise things like "This is the setting to adjust to keep it from raining inside your home...".

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  • 3 months later...

I just built a house. whole thing is modded, double solid roof and glass in windows. Yes I checked to make sure the rain occlusion box is checked. my character is not just wet, it is raining inside the brand new house. took out the mod roof and used the barn floor and inside rain stopped. game does not recognize the mod roof I guess.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

f*#@ Bethesda. Every game is shittier than the last. Rage 2, Fallout 76, Skyrim online... At least the latest Wolfenstien is rightfully hated by players even tho critics loved it.

Whats that saying? Get woke, go broke? Bethesda doubled down on it.


(When half your programmers are diversity hires, you need even more OVERqualified programmers to check the not-qualified programmers work. Its why Windows10 cant put out a working update anymore and why Boeing has jets falling out of the sky. Horrifyingly sad, but true).


Sorry, I know I went OT but this raining inside s#*!, just REALLY pisses me off. I cant get it to stop either.

Edited by Ulvirfaust
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