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[MOD Request] Settlers/people Manager


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Hi all,


So far what has frustrated me greatly is assiging your settlers to jobs.

Yeah if you have a small settlement and you hover over your settler you see them glow up green to what they have been assigned. But the problem i have is when they are wandering around. I have no possible indication to whether they are already assigned and to what.

So i would love to have a mod that makes it easier to manage your settlers in your settlements. i.e. by a tekst popping up next to them when you hover over them showing in tekst to what they are assinged. Or a special windows showing which settler is assigned to what and which settlers are currently doing nothing.

If that is possible already, that would be amazing.



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My roomate suggested outfitting the settlers with bandannas. Make each color fit to a task. If all of your guards wear the same, at a glance you know who they are. Also newcomers stand out. I do not have many bandannas yet, but perhaps some mechanic can be modded in. Some sort of clothing thing. Guards armor up, wear the correct color bandanna.
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