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Existing mods you want recreated for Fallout 4


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Some power armor's I'd like to see modded into the game.






Japanese power armors



The armors found in this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/16572/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout3%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D16572%26preview%3D&pUp=1

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A mod (for Oblivion) that became a feature in Fallout 3, carried over to New Vegas and Skyrim, that Bethesda somehow completely forgot to put in Fallout 4:


A keychain.


Seriously, I have so many keys and logs and other crap cluttering up my inventory it's not even funny. Between these and the holotapes, which should also be in their own submenu of the radio tab (as they were in Fo3 and NV) and not in the inventory tab at all, and the stacks and stacks of "use it once, keep it forever" quest items that are stuck in my inventory almost 80 hours into the game, I can't find a bloody thing in there!


Which brings me to the second mod I'd like to see come back:


Droppable quest items.

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I have to agree with the Pipboy 2.5K, cigarette thing, new hairstyles, and definitely new animations like the Weapon Animation Replacers which made it so you could hold a pistol in one hand. Although, for when it is inevitably released, a warning to anyone who gets it... Having unlimited companions will make most of your companions hate you, because doing things for one makes the rest mad, generally.


And DEFINITELY new outfits and weapons. There's lots of customization but very little choice. I don't like the armour pieces, and I like one outfit, the Silver Shroud outfit. The rest are bad in some way. I can't wear the Silver Shroud outfit for every single play through of this game, a bit borin' that.

Edited by BeefingtonsBay
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Roleplayers Alternative Start Fallout New Vegas - So I can tell the story to sod off and wander the wastes.


More Perks/Traits - As it stands the new perk system is somewhere between FNV and Skyrim. I'd like to see some extra flavorful perks. However, I'm concerned with how difficult it may be to incorporate new perks, let alone traits.


CCO - Because it's awesome.

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The lack of a Micro SMG in this game has really got me down. The closest thing I've found to one is the starter pistol as an automatic, but it just feels too much like pistol.


So, I'd like the request the return of the UZI such as the one for FNV by Millenia: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/48523/?


Also I'm super bummed out that there is no lever-action rifle in game, so in fond memory of Lincon's Repeater, Cowboy Repeaters and Trail Carbines.

I'd also like to request for some lever action rifle and lever-action shotgun mods. There are meny Henry and Winchester models to chose from.

Here's one I'd like to bring back from FNV: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/51586/?

Edited by CoffeeholicCielo
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