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Dismantling weapons? +mods' weight rebalance


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Hi! I've had an idea of 2 mods regarding weapon crafting, but I know nothing on modding so I hope someone could help out.


First - ability to dismantle weapons to retreive better mods without need to craft stock gear. My idea was to create an extra mod for each category for each weapon i.e. no barrel, no receiver - similar to how muzzle mods work. Downside to that would be prefix "dysfunctional" which would reduce damage and ammo capacity to 0, or even better - prevent player from equiping it. These dysfunctional weapons would also yeld no resources when scrapped.


Second - weight rebalance of existing mods. That one is more of a "that's neat" than game changing mechanic, but it's strange to see all mods weight .5 regardless if it's minigun barrel or glow sights. That mod would change weights of existing mods to more sensible values. It'd require a lot of assumptions how much each part would weight but I think it's quite simple regardless.

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