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[Mod request] Immersion mods


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Hi, I'm a big fan of the witcher series but haven't tried wither 3 yet. I've played a ton of skyrim and have modded it to be more realistic and more immersive. I would wish for this experience on witcher 3 as well but on my first playthrough (if possible).


So what I'm looking for is immersive mods, one example of this is the friendly HUD mod, it is a mod I will be using because the HUD removes that immersive feeling. But the biggest problem I've seen so far in videos is the mapmarker issue. I would like a witcher three game where I can complete every quest in the game without using a map marker or the dotted lines on the minimap. This might be impossible (I wouldn't know since I haven't played the game) but I'm sure the game can be modded so that more quests can be solved without the use of mapmarkers.


So that when an NPC tells you to "go past the stream until you find a big stone etc" I want that to be saved somewhere so I can go back to what the NPC said when I'm looking for the location. Being able to ask strangers for directions seems like an impossible task but if someone wants to go that far be my guest. Perhaps add more roads on the map if there aren't enough, add the name of certain places on the map as well so you can more easily navigate by using the map.


If there's already a mod like this then you can just link me that :)


Suggestions and comments are appreciated.


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That will probably never happen, reasons:
1. First atleast try the game, it probably wont be possible to me that immersive as skyrim, i mean ever, the game already has excellent dialogues, u can try playing as Gopher, dont use the minimap (FriendlyHud will help u with that), just open the map see where it is, and then try to get there without opening it again.
2. This isn't Skyrim, and isn't made bethesda that counts on the modders to improve and fix their games.
3. Tools that "could" make that aren't still out maybe never will, u'll need to wait and see in 2016.

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