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Power Armour Separate Paintjobs and Material Mods


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I was just thinking, isn't it a bit ridiculous that I can't have a winterized coating, or photovoltaic fancy whatsits AND a sweet paintjob? Why can't I deck my suit out with some nice flames AND have lead plating?


I had thought of this countless times while modifying my armour, it'd be cool to give them style AND function.


Would be great to see.

Edited by ServiTheDeer
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Claiming the game has a lot of personalization when it comes to modding and throwing paint jobs and plating in the same category really kills the mood. I want to look good AND be optimized to MY playstyle. All there really is, is the jetpack mod- because once you jet-pack you never go back. the other torso mods, seem pale in comparison. Even the arm mods are basically just upgrades with powercreep.


When it comes to plating and stuff it really does not change there. Paint jobs are not worth it- except for the looks- like it really should be. BUT you are forced to choose between you looking nice OR a lead plating that is WAY more usefull.

Sure- survival is not pretty but why CAN'T I PAINT MY POWER ARMOR?! If i have the option to spray-paint unmodified armor- why can't i spray-paint modified armor?


I am also really dissatified, that synth armor is just the best-stat wise. The only armor-variants that let you look different are the ballistic-weave variants- which to be honest, should not have been railroad exclusive.


Give me a choice- not force me to take one.

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