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Play As A Ghoul (CharGen Textures)


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When looking at Skyrim mods, I recall seeing many attempts at creating a "Play as a Draugr" mods that were always only partially successful.


This approach should fix that problem as well as add some customization, if I am not mistaken - and could easily be ported over to Skyrim.


Instead of approaching it as changing the player's race (though I think the creation of a Player_Character_Race would be necessary for this, so as not to turn all NPCs into weird half-ghouls), we take this from the ground up; in the character creation editor.


Under Blemishes and Scars we add several new layers of different "ghoulish" new textures. Same thing for eyes - a nice murky variety of eyes of different colors. Under skin tone, we add a couple of "ghoulish" skin tones - say something greenish and something yellowish with a LOT of wrinkles (for decaying flesh). Or do a complete body retexture using the existing game content for ghouls.


And unlock the ghoul perk in the Perks tree. Voila! Your character is now a ghoul.


I would have to load up FO3 and FO:NV to see about portability to those games, but the principle remains the same: just add individual textures as options in chargen and a new body texture and you should be good (along with some mechanical game content, of course).

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