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Removing Weapon/Armor Mods


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Hello, Modding Community!


I'm about 25 hours into the game now and thought about starting to look into modifying my weapons and armor.

To be as resource efficient as possible I decided to look for the best base weapon I have and build onto that.

But to get to the base I have to take all attachments off, and here is my problem:


To go back to the standard weapon, I have to spend materials.


In my view, that shouldn't be the case. In fact, for the last weapon mod slot (like Muzzle, Suppressor, etc...) it isn't. You can take them off as is; without having to pay for it.

Why is that so? Why is this slot treated differently? Let's discuss! I would be pleased to hear your opinions on this.


And if anyone would write a mod to remove the costs on standard attachments, I would be indefinitely grateful.


Best regards,


Edited by DaniDipp
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Whenever I modify a standard weapon, it turns the standard components as available mods that I can then attach elsewhere. If you want to rebuild a gun to be a different gun, it makes sense that you have to build the new component, even if that new component is inferior. Changing the core "gun" part of the gun is not the same as removing or stripping down barrel attachments.

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Yep. Basically sums it up. I think (could be wrong) that the "core five" still require _something_ to be there. I might be wrong about sights, though. So those can be swapped with existing mods, or you can "devolve" it by building a standard component on an improved one that you find. But they still need to be built if you don't already have spares.


Now that doesn't invalidate your mod request! In fact, I would _love_ for a mod to just immediately break a gun down into separate component mods, instead of requiring a completed one to use as a template. I have so many full guns worth of excess mods, it's silly that I can't put them together to make new ones.

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