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Disabling randomly spawning mines?


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So, I am to the point I officially have to post something about this. This has got to be one of my least favorite bugs ever. I say bug, because no developer could be stupid enough to intentionally program mines to spawn right next to players in cleared areas you just walked through a few seconds ago. After dying again, and losing a lot of progress just walking around and looting a cleared area (Yeah, cause THATS what i want to spend 30 minutes doing AGAIN) to a mine that just spawned in a totally cleared area I've walked through a dozen times. Whats worse, is that are either sadistically programmed to keep spawning on top of you once they start, or always programmed to have another mine the exact safety distance away from the first one, but I ALWAYS seem to hit a second mine when I mange to jump off the first. It's just starting to get really, really old and annoying. It feels like every once and a while the gameplay comes to a screeching halt just because the games RNG decided I was having to much fun with the actual gameplay. I go from enjoying the game to being extremely frustrated, and there is literally NOTHING you can do to prevent these deaths cause the mines practically spawn on top of you. It's just so a cheap and pointless of a death, and it happens to often... Might as well program in spontaneous combustion and just skip the magical teleporting mines altogether.


I don't have any idea if this is possible yet, but this is become the only serious issue in the game I feel needs a fix before I can keep playing the game... the last being the idiot savant sound effect making me singlehandedly want to to playing the game just to stop hearing that damn laughing sound effect. But mods for that popped up pretty quickly.


I enjoy the added challenge watching out for mines adds, but in the context of reality and reasonability. I shouldn't have to walk around at a snails pace staring at the floor in front of me when I am making my 4th pass through an area to make sure I didn't miss anything I really need because the game just MIGHT spawn 2~4 mines all around me all of a sudden. And I try my best to save every chance I get, but it honestly feels like the mines KNOW when I haven't, they always seem to hit when I haven't managed to save in 20~30 minutes.


Anyways, thanks for your time, I really hope one of you knows enough about modding to figure this out before the modding program comes out next year...

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It's good that I have a habbit of quick saving after looting containers and most of the time I manage to jump out of the way right after I hear the timmer ticking. What you can do for now before someone tweaks this "feature":

~ Use vats to locate mines in immediate area.

~ Invest 3 points into sneak, rank 3 includes "light step" perk from Fallout 2 & 3.

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The character I am RPing as isn't stealthy, and randomly stepping on mines is actually something I would find amusing and fitting for him, but it's just them appearing where they weren't a minute ago in an area I've already cleared that is the problem...


I'll just have to cross my fingers and wait someone with more modding skill has the same complaint I do soon! lol

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I highly doubt that they are randomly appearing in areas you've already walked through moments ago. I think you just didn't notice then before.

They most definitely are randomly spawning. I had this happen quite a few times in spaced out periods before I realized it was happening. You can die from mines, reload and they may be gone when you get back. On the flip side (and this happened to me like 2 minutes ago) you can completely clear what the game considers a "hostile area," load your game and have a mine that wasn't there before suddenly waiting to kill you. I'm not sure if they spawn in real time or if it's just on loads, but it's definitely happening.

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It could be a badly done script that's supposed to randomize mine placement so when you return to a hostile area they will be in different spots. If the script keeps planting mines while you are in the location instead of when it first loads it will be an issue.

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I highly doubt that they are randomly appearing in areas you've already walked through moments ago. I think you just didn't notice then before.


Yeah, I TOTALLY didn't notice that mine sitting in the only door way to the room I just walked into 2 minutes ago. You are right, I have been using TCL to fly under the world and reappear in random locations, and then TOTALLY forgetting I was doing that, and THAT'S why I've been walking into random mines!!


*rolls eyes*


What is even the point of posting in a thread saying "NUH UH THAT ISNT HAPPENIN" .... ?? A 2 second google search confirms that it most certainly is..... ????


Anyways, jet4571 and Maleficus04: To my understanding it is mine randomization system that was designed to prevent players from getting in 'death loops' where they die to the same mine over and over and over. Apparently they decided dying to totally random mines that weren't there a second ago was more realistic and fair... ??? Then just memorizing them and not stepping on them like a sane human being. It also leads to you just being able to save and reload to avoid every mine in the game... Because the one guy in their test group kept dying 500 times in a row to one mine registered way more deaths in their system, and now we get to deal with this shitty randomization system, cause that one guy was a total dumbass apparently??


I have not been able to 100% confirm that they do spawn on saving/loading, but most people seem to suspect that. I don't tend to save and load randomly while playing, so I wouldn't think I would encounter them that much if that was the case. I've had them spawn within minutes of me walking through the area. And these are small, closed in areas, no way possible I could have walked through WITHOUT noticing them... You know, them beeping loudly and EXPLODING kinda makes them hard to miss, and them not being there anymore kind makes them less of a threat....

Edited by ArtMurder
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So we can chock it up to "Another Brilliant decision by Bethesda" /sarcasm. A simple randomization script that runs when the cell loads would be a good thing for any location that respawns, new raiders, new mine locations so you never memorize the exact location but they should never spawn while you are already moving about in the cell. That's just pure crap game design bordering on incompetence. Gstaff was probably the tester dying 500 times by the same mine, I watched the Bethesda Lets Play for FO3 and he sucks oozing pustule covered balls lol.(yes that was teasing him if he ever reads this)

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