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Disabling randomly spawning mines?


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Has anyone found the source code for random encounters? I need to disable mines and remove aggression from visiting scavengers in Friendly Easy City Downs. The area tag for Easy City Downs is DN035 in FO4Edit. I have scoured formID 5885C and all related placement references. Mines and scavengers are nowhere to be found, even when I use Build Reference Info and click into linked entries.


I suspect there is a random encounters file outside of the area that is making things happen inside, but I can't find it in FO4Edit or searching the scripts.


I was going to post a new topic, but I think this is the same issue the OP is experiencing.



Edit: Am I missing a way to trace the placement reference in console? I clicked on a hostile scavenger (screenshot), but the result led me to generic scavengers in FO4Edit. In Build Reference Info, none of those linked entries were in Easy City Downs.


I should be able to do the same with mines, right? Click on one and find the code that placed it there?

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