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Weapon Degredation


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I loved this aspect in fallout 3 and NV, dont know why they removed it.


i mainly think they did this for a few resins

1) to dumb down the game to make it more easy for kids. (no calling names so...) (top risen )

2) it might be to hard to keep the modded weapons with the already crafting into the game. theres limted number of items in truth you can use to settlements, weapons armor, and repairing the power armor.

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I don't think they did it for dumbing down reasons(really, kids/ with people saying f*#@ and all other kinds of words and some of the situtions in the games...doubt it)


I think they did it because:


1-Weapon mods, if the condition was tied to the weapon like the uniques bonus(2 shots,Bleeding,etc..) how would justify keeping it if you mod out the whole gun(receiver,stock,barrel,etc...) the condition should be restored by that, making that a moot point.

2-How would repair it, how would mods affect a weapons condition now that they change so much about it, would you have to use materials? Would condition be tracked by every single mod?


As you can see it's possible, however with the new game's modding system(which is good IMHO) it would make it clunky and more of a nuisance than a feature.


I don't like when people just use the "dumbed down for kids" argument,when it's not the case,they implanted a whole new system and the weapon condition has no place it,did they dumbed down some aspects? You bet! The dialogue, the faction's questlines(or lack thereof) , but not this one.


Now even if it's possible it would require the script extender(already in development) and the CK, to even begin to implement it, and even then given that most people just roll it due to the 2 reasons mentioned above, I don't we will be seeing so soon,or ever.

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