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Enemies ALWAYS +5 or -5 of your level regardless of area


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Im a high level right now and i keep running into level 1 and level 20 enemies that i can one shot. I'd like it to be more challenging and have enemies spawn closer to my level.

Like make the stronger enemies +5 your level, the medium at the same level and the weak ones can be -5 of your level.

I know the game will scale enemies for locations you havnt been to yet but it still sucks running into level 1 enemies in locations you've already explored.

Does anyone know if this is possible? Or how to make this happen?

It doesn't have to be 5 levels, maybe 2 or 3 if it's more balanced. I just don't want to run into level 1 enemies anymore

Edited by Professorbag
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+1. plus I put in my req list, a script that spawns a random enemy, or group, within a certain position of you, and randomly generated. hmmm how about a group of enemies with a legendary. for me it woudl keep me on my toes, and keep the game less boring. might have issues if you are in combat though, last thing you want is double trouble if you low on health lol

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but hey, to give you challenghe, look up the hardcore mode, or survival mods. enemies can one shot you,and you can one or 2 shot them. a little hard IMO


The difference between fighting low and high level enemies is still too big. Fighting high level enemies is fun. Oneshotting a low level super mutant or destroying a deathclaw in seconds on the other hand is not fun. The difference is too noticeable.

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but hey, to give you challenghe, look up the hardcore mode, or survival mods. enemies can one shot you,and you can one or 2 shot them. a little hard IMO


The difference between fighting low and high level enemies is still too big. Fighting high level enemies is fun. Oneshotting a low level super mutant or destroying a deathclaw in seconds on the other hand is not fun. The difference is too noticeable.


Agreed, in regards to super mutant perhaps a one shot wtih .50 sniper? cos cmon, even though its massive, you cant say that it would survive a 50 to the head.

As for DC well maybe a .50 cripples it? what would you do for balance? maybe the DC takes 3 shots to the head? 1 for each horn, then 1 to finish? limbs maybe 2 or 3 to cripple? body 5-7 shots?

and radscorpions, I thnk should have minimum .308 to crack the armour. you cant tell me a 10mm or 38 will do anything. I guess this is where certain ammo types come into play, the FONV mod with hollow point, jacketed point etc, would work really well i thinki. but then that goes into a further mod where you need some where to get the special ammo. perhaps only available to craft? nobody leaves special ammo lying around. IDk just thoughts, sorry for ong post. no potato sorry :(

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but hey, to give you challenghe, look up the hardcore mode, or survival mods. enemies can one shot you,and you can one or 2 shot them. a little hard IMO


The difference between fighting low and high level enemies is still too big. Fighting high level enemies is fun. Oneshotting a low level super mutant or destroying a deathclaw in seconds on the other hand is not fun. The difference is too noticeable.


Agreed, in regards to super mutant perhaps a one shot wtih .50 sniper? cos cmon, even though its massive, you cant say that it would survive a 50 to the head.

As for DC well maybe a .50 cripples it? what would you do for balance? maybe the DC takes 3 shots to the head? 1 for each horn, then 1 to finish? limbs maybe 2 or 3 to cripple? body 5-7 shots?

and radscorpions, I thnk should have minimum .308 to crack the armour. you cant tell me a 10mm or 38 will do anything. I guess this is where certain ammo types come into play, the FONV mod with hollow point, jacketed point etc, would work really well i thinki. but then that goes into a further mod where you need some where to get the special ammo. perhaps only available to craft? nobody leaves special ammo lying around. IDk just thoughts, sorry for ong post. no potato sorry :sad:



We dont want anything as extensive as that. Just to never have enemies that are lower level than the character, or at least not much lower. Heck I'd even prefer it if the lowest level enemies you can encounter in the game are always a few levels above you, to keep things interesting. Playing on survival with the survival balance mod with 100% character damage and 200% enemy damage makes the game pretty fun when fighting against stuff thats at your level or above.



Edited by overdose123
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