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Moddable Armors List?


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So, I know this is somewhat off-topic, and I apologize for it, but I haven't found anyone else talking about modding item stats. All I'm looking for is how to go about editing the speed of melee weapons. (Making swords faster, basically.) I'd assume this would be a simple xml edit, but don't know. And don't know where xml files are stored regardless. Can one of you guys please help me?


Like Langy said, that's going to involve hex edits to an ESP, for which you'll need FalloutSnip. It's doable, but you'd have to figure out what to change (by comparing records of items you know the attack speeds of), and ESP mods at this phase all come with an understood disclaimer.


For some things, you can look at how the records were formatted in Skyrim and work from that. The DNAM record appears to have gotten 32 bytes longer since Skyrim, but I'd assume the first 100 bytes are the same.




Great work. I'll dig some more tonight and see if I can figure out how to get the auto-renaming working.

Edited by Brianide
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  • 2 weeks later...

I tested the version for the drifter outfit.

It seems to work so good job and thank you for the effort.


I encountered one problem though.

It seems that it negates the mod 'more armor slots'.

So now I can't wear armor and the drifter outfit at the same time.


Any idea how this can be fixed?


Edit: Nvm, I found the Mod on nexus.


Edited by DarinatorBB
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