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Quest-NPC stuck in water.


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Hello, I need help with an NPC.


I have to do a quest for the Minutemen, you know, that usual "go to A and kill B, then return"

Sadly, the NPC I have to inform about dead Supermutants is stuck in the sewage water silo and I can't get him out by waiting somewhere. I can't speak to him either.

Is there a way to find out his base ID and teleport him out of the damn thing?


The NPCs name is Roger Warwick.

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Sorry for hollering a topic so old, but for anyone still having this issue, here's another less game-breaking method to resolve your problem:

(Also helpful if you don't want to "disable" water and you can't yet build on this settlement)


This is but an example. Basically, you can use anything - even objects outside the house, even another NPC. As long as you have a RefID which exists in the gameworld to move Roger to, it will work.


1. Go inside the house/bunker/building - whatever the settlement home is called.

2. Pick an object you like (personally I used one of the beds on the right side in the house)

3. Open console(~). Select the object. Memorize its reference ID. You'll need it for the next task.

4. Now click anywhere to deselect the RefID and type in TCL. Close console(~).

5. While in noclip mode, go inside the pool Roger is stuck in. Open console(~) and select him.

6. While having Roger Warwick selected, type in: moveto <the object's RefID you memorized>

7. Click anywhere to deselect Roger. Close console(~) and move out of the pool. Roger should now be moved next to the desired object and no longer be stuck.

8. Since you don't need any more noclip, once you exit the pool, open console(~) again, and type in TCL to disable it.


You can now walk up to him and start your quest like usual.


Hope I helped.

Edited by marinchev
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