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Minigun/SMG Buff


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Ok, a lot of guns need adjustment on damage but the Mingigun and SMG need it badly. The Minigun fire 5mm rifle rounds. Now, this is a made up ammo type but I think we need to assume its a future designed light weight high velocity round, so it should do about as much as 5.56. I get its a game but the miniguns damage sucks, it needs to be doubled or better, it SHOULD rip stuff apart.


The SMG fires .45 and its very weak. Again, needs a huge buff in damage. Maybe higher recoil or lower RoF to compensate?


While we are at it, the Hunting Rifle needs a bit of a buff, and the .50 mod needs a big buff, but .50 ammo needs to be much rare... like 1/5 as common as it is now.


I could handle this myself if mod tools were out but I'm too basic to do it without them. Can anyone tell me how?

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