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Auto-inject by Chem-tec


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Chems are plenty in the game when you scavenge and craft a lot. I have almost 150 Stimpacks sitting in my inventory, and dozens of other common chems in my stash. And i have never crafted any of them. This is on Survival difficulty.


Combat is quite relentless on Survival difficulty. You lose health rapidly and will forget to use chems when they are running out or when you need them most. Applying chems at the right time, takes away from the combat experience. Especially when you can not get addicted to chems anymore you will be checking your chem status every fight, to make the most of your chems.


Thankfully there could be Auto-inject by Chem-tec!


Auto-inject could be a unique mod that is installed next to other armor mods. It will take Armorsmith skill based on the type of armor being crafted and Science! skill based on the selected chem. It should be fairly expensive to craft and perhaps it should be unremovable. This mod will make the Chemist, Science! and Chem Resistant perks a lot more interesting, while making chem crafting more important. It is not overpowered because in effect it is only a quality-of-life improvement; you can do everything manually. Stimpaks regenerate so slow on Survival mode that it will not make you invincible.


Auto-inject will automatically inject a chem when the right trigger is active. It will not auto-inject when the chem effect is still active. This cooldown is equal to chem effect duration. The mod will check automatically if chem should be applied after cooldown and whenever the set trigger is activated. There should be a warning message when you only have 1 chem left in your inventory.


Available Auto-inject chem mods and Science requirements:

  • Bloodpack (1 Science!)
  • Stimpak (1 or 2 Science!)
  • Radaway (1 or 2 Science!)
  • Mentats (2 Science!)
  • Buffout (2 Science!)
  • Psycho (3 Science!)
  • Jet (3 Science!)
  • Med-X (3 Science!)
  • Power Armor models, will require 1 Science more


Stimpaks and Radaway require either 1 or 2 Science, depending on game balance. Mentats and buffout are 2 Science because they have to be made injectable and their buffs can be strong and apply for a long time. Psycho, Jet and Med-X are 3 Science because they are strong combat buffs. Other chems are not included because they are too rare.


There should be a submenu in the Aid or Status page of the Pipboy or an item that allows the user to set the triggers for their Auto-inject mods.


  • Off
  • Combat (when entering combat, will re-inject when effect is gone and combat is still active)
  • When hit / When hit for more than x damage
  • Health <50%
  • Health <20%
  • When crippled (Stimpak only)
  • Rads >20% (Radaway only)
  • Rads >50% (Radaway only)
  • Always (Buffout & Mentats only)
Edited by Blackice010
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I think this would be a wonderful idea. Sometimes I'm fighting some strong baddies and my health will go so low and I will eventually get hit with a final blow before I can even bring up my Pip Boy or press that key to Stimpak me up to health. If we could have the option to automatically inject chems while fighting I won't have to worry so much about my health and I could focus more on the enemies in front of me.

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It could inject these chems as soon as combat is entered as part of a script; then include a configuration for which chems should be injected and under what circumstances which can be accessed from the chemistry station (when health reached certain percentage/melee weapon equipped/ when detected etc)

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I am not a modder but judging from the game's mechanics (there already is a legendary item that applies a slow time effect on <20% health), and mods i played before, i think this should be very possible. I think it would be best if every chem has its own armor mod, so it becomes more expensive and you can set the perk requirements per chem.


If you make it an armpiece-only mod you will be restricted to using 2 auto chems, which might not be enough for many people, unless one device injects different kinds of chems. But this implies a lack of control in the crafting area of this mod.

Edited by Blackice010
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