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Companion Remote-Command Hotkey


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By default, to give your companion commands, your cursor must be on your companion in order for the "Press Use to give command" prompt to appear.


I find this problematic, because there are time where you are in a position where you can't aim at your companion, but you wish to give him a command nonetheless, which is, in that scenario, impossible. There are also times where you have no idea where your companion is, and you want to dump a bunch of items in their inventory etc.


I propose a mod in which you assign a hotkey that does the same thing as pressing Use while aiming at your companion, except you don't have to have your cursor on your companion; he can be in another room, he can be outside etc. whenever you press this assigned hotkey, you enter the companion command mode.



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This is one of the mods I'm looking forward to the most. I like having a companion and I like the new command feature, but being able to enter command state via a hotkey would make it so much better. Not sure if this is possible to accomplish right now though.

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