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Faster VATS


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I'm not a mod maker but I've loved mods for a very long time. I think they are a great expansion to already fine titles and I can't wait to see what come out of fallout 4 of which I've already invest too much of my life.


However, I feel like we really need a mod to edit VATS. While the current VATS is better than the one in fallout 3 I still feel like it kills the pace of a fast paced gun fight. Bethesda put hotkeys into the game so weapons and healing items can be used on the fly; this is good. However, the slowed animation for VATS way too long and honestly gets annoying when I just wanted a few accurate shots but not to kill the flow of the fight.


I've heard of people asking for a mod that turns VATS into bullet time, I like this idea as it keeps skill and flow at the forefront, but this would ruin a lot of good perks: concentrated fire, Gun fu, and Sniper to name three. Wouldn't it just be better if we could speed up the VATS animation or at least tone down the amount of time staring at a dead enemy? Just my thoughts and I would love to see this mod if it was possible.

Edited by Onikami2
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