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Skyrim Family Themed Items, weapons, armor, etc.


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never thought i'd have to put this but after seeing so much hate on a lot of requests i must PLEASE ask no flames, hate, or rude comments be made just a confirmation if my idea is possible or not also if i am breaking any rules PLEASE PM me and i will be happy to fix it! thanks for your time..




well after several "pregnancy" mods and multiple adoptions i have developed great admiration for my little skyrim family and great pride so i always thought 'how cool would it be if i could have this sword written in dragon language (the little scratches and the whole 'krosis, feim,' blah blah gig written one a sword like the "sword of ancient tongues" by Corvalho?" (sorry if i mispelled that) but i wanted it to say something like 'Ragnavir los ni sos Ragnavir los fos hi wahl Ragnavir los neh giving vok Ragnavir los ni wah straag hin zek nau hin lokaal gein' (perhaps glowing if possible at all?) which translates to 'Family is not blood Family is what you build Family is never giving up Family is not to turn your back on your love one' -quoted by... someone i don't even know actually lol (so please someone leave who quotes it? would be greatly appreciated..) maybe in like some really nice bow or dagger (i'm more of a marksman truth be told but i can tolerate a dagger..) maybe some quests to get it inscribed after either having a child or perhaps adopting one? before that its just a plain old blade (but a REALLY nice looking one still lol)




i LOVE Deserter X's mods i really do (especially the vampire, witch, and necromancer) but those heels man... if someone could borrow the pants, corset, and hood from that and make (UNP) a pregnancy scale able belly, with flat shoes, and the hood (i believe the cape is connected) and add like the cape has been tattered up that would be great! (i have unique tastes oddly.. i like forest yet dark dreary and very old) if that is not optional perhaps you can do something similar?




i am aware of the toy mod but i think i want to go a little...further remember those plush backpacks? perhaps a teddy version of those and know those giant bear chairs? adorable right? i want a chair to look like that for the kids :)




well less a house and more a castle... i like sjel blad castle and i like clearsky hideout but both dont have the option for me to add my kids in there...I'm thinking a treasure room similar to Sjel blad castle and the buildings outer look (the stone walls and struncture i think it's spelled sorry brains quitting on that word darn it..) similar to dawnguards plus the kind of nature like throne for a throne room but i want the barracks instead to be a childs room and those catacombs? make escape tunnels that you have to clear out from time to time, bathing mod compatible bathroom n shower in the player/spouses room, a sauna, summonable storage, a pet tiny baby netch that acts like the dogs (if possible) 6 or more kids beds, a pasture for the horse herding mod, and maybe a carriage driver. perhaps alternate start compatable?, would be nice to have things animated like in clearsky with the notes and clues and mystery to it. perhaps a courier has to deliver the note to you that you are the last legal heir to the home from your family or something.. (kids room should be scattered with toys and maybe a few clothes)

also maybe a werewolf and vampire lair compatable with moonlight tales and vampire thirst


Banners and Symbols


perhaps i was thinking like lets say you're a thieves guild leader and you have a family you might find that little mark near the door on breeze home (not exactly a banner but advertising you are a thief is not a very wise idea) that other thieves leave you alone because you are (depending under what option you choose) Dangerous, under their protection, or other mark meanings (maybe even make your own?) but if you're not ever PART of the thieves guild you have a chance to be robbed (if you are then you can go tell Delsin or vex and they will retrieve the items from the rogue thief) as part of the Dark brotherhood (should you join up) you will get the black hand on your door (if listener) making it very clear that you are not a possible target and very valuable to the brotherhood and harming you and your family will result in you're untimely demise if you are not the listener you will get the red hand meaning that you are simply not a possibly target (nor your family)


Dawn-guards get banners and 2 dawn guard soldiers outside their home meaning you are under dawnguard protection BUT only if you REFUSE harkons offer!


if you ACCEPT Harkons offer you get some vampires guarding your door from sunset to sunrise (to be compatible with vampire thirst or simply immersive) however if you are not in the home before sunrise there is a chance the dawnguard will attack your family (if you turned your spouse or marry serana that is) (preferable the option should be able to be toggled on or off as well as frequency)


last (but not least) is weither you choose to spare parthuunex or side with the blades

blades you get your own guards outside your home with your own Akaviri Banner

side with the grey beards and you get the one banner with the dragon language inscribed in it but instead of guards you get 2 dragon egg like statues outside your home but they are not simply statues they offer a barrier (only to the homesteads in this one) around your home so that trolls and giants do not spawn you will still get a mudcrab or bandits but that is managable also dragons that fly nearby will be friendly/not even take notice in homes like breeze home...simply looks nice xD

if you have a mod that lets you stay with the blades while keeping parthuunex alive (like enhanced skytemple or such) then you can pick or choose


hair bows


i'd seen some nice hair and some nice hair bows but.. is it possible...to had an HDT one to go with my..HDT hair? now i know this may not seem like its for family but hear me out...though i'd like one for my character i'd like one for my skyrim children as well TK's children in particular.. huh? huh? not feeling it? fine... just thought it would be cute lol BUT if someone atleast took up this project with the toys and weapons i'd be over the darn moon here :3


thanks for hearing me out and again i must ask if i wasnt clear: no flames hate or judgement zone, i'm not even a modder so i dont know the full extent of what we can or cant do in skyrim or what is allowed i have a very short attention span...also aspergurs autism I just blurt out whats on my mind and say how it is i'm socially awkward and dont like be yelled at it makes me have anxiety! if i do or say something wrong PLEASE PM ME! and i will endeavor to correct it in the future! thank you!

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all of this is optional of course i am open to ideas and such i just desire something similar, some of it IS childish perhaps but i did have dreams like this AS a child lol it's just sentimental. I am always open to suggestions, ideas, and/or other things to be added :)

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