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Can we have a "scrap all junk" mod?


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This would also be very helpful for the bug thats going around. And yes. There is. I dont care what anyone says, ive lost well over half my copper thanks to it.

And for those that dont know.

So basically when you craft something, be it at a work station, or building, and you use something that has multiple components (like say.. military circuitry has like 5 copper and 2 steel? or something..) and you use it for the steel, the copper goes to your workbench

However sometimes (often with me for some reason) if you use it for the steel, that 5 copper just vanishes. Needless to say, it seems to go with all items.



However, i do want to point out that there are many craftable items that require whole items. For example if you were to craft the deathclaw gauntlet, you obviously would need a deathclaw hand, which would have been scrapped away. There is also the usage of decor. I know i have used a few desk fans, and teddy bears and such to help flesh out rooms ive built.

If there was a way to make it configurable to your needs, that would be very useful.

Edited by millyrainbow
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