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Staying on good terms with at least 3 factions?


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If I had to hazard a guess, it's because all of the characters who were actually interested in helping people are either dead or otherwise conspicuously missing (Elder Lyons and Sarah both died, who knows what happened to Cross, Rothschild, etc). They basically just replaced the whole faction with all new characters except for Maxson, who was just a kid in Fallout 3 and apparently took a left turn onto Crazy Street between the games. Maxson is a dictator and a fanatic, and he's built up a cult of personality around himself such that his people almost to a one will do anything he tells them to without question. I get a strong impression that any remaining Brotherhood members who disagreed with his hard-line agenda were made to disappear. End result... they're basically the Enclave, except they call their leader "Elder" instead of "President" and are slightly less murderstabby towards ordinary wastelanders (but only if they're human).

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