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What's with the disturbingly large amounts of nazi mods?


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It's prohibitet in Germany for reason, and will probably get you in deep trouble when using them. But I don't think that's true for other countrys.


However, I don't understand the benefit of using a Hitler look-a-like or SS-Uniform in your game. Basically it would only implie I have understood nothing in history, or completely ignore it, or both.


People uploading such content maybe think they're really bad ass?

I think you should stop encroaching on peoples personal freedom. America is a country where people are free to think, research and say what they feel without government censorship and where personal determination is a founding principle of the constitution. I know as German those concepts are foreign to you so please refrain from imposing your world view on others. Thank you


You missunderstood my statement. I'm merely trying to hold a mirror in your face, not restrict any of your individual freedom.


In case you haven't figured, when it comes down to free thinking, modern Germany is superior in freedom compared to the U.S, since we do not have a patriot act. Germans just don't feel the necessity to harm anyones personal feelings with uncalled opinions. Respect is the keyword, an idea that seems to be completely foreign to you... :wink:


Transfigure the fact that 60 million lifes got destroyed by the Nazis, in a most disgusting way, into something that needs to be "researched" sounds irritating. I bet any of the 6 Million gassed jews would agree. However, pushing the mirror in your face had exactly the effect I expected. You got all defensive because you thought your delusional idea of freedom got attacked, transporting that notion in a most vitriol way, and completely rendered you blind to any form of ethical behaviour.

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It's prohibitet in Germany for reason, and will probably get you in deep trouble when using them. But I don't think that's true for other countrys.


However, I don't understand the benefit of using a Hitler look-a-like or SS-Uniform in your game. Basically it would only implie I have understood nothing in history, or completely ignore it, or both.


People uploading such content maybe think they're really bad ass?

I think you should stop encroaching on peoples personal freedom. America is a country where people are free to think, research and say what they feel without government censorship and where personal determination is a founding principle of the constitution. I know as German those concepts are foreign to you so please refrain from imposing your world view on others. Thank you



I know as American... sorry, as US American... the consequences of personal freedom are foreign to you. So please refrain from imposing your worldview on others. Thank you

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Since we are so big on personal freedom... how about an ISIS/Taliban mod with a Fatman rebuild to Allah's Will, shooting suicide bombers, and every woman automatically wears a Niqab, and instead of magazines you find surah, oh, and of course you play this as Osama bin Laden lookalike. Playing as female is being disabled.


Or yet, even better, how about an authentic mod for US players if they are so big on reliving the 60's? How about the "Negro go Home" Mod?

All settlers are black, and all followers adress you with Maam or Ser, and the Supermutants are not green, but black and instead of yelling "We are superior!" and "Time for supermutants now, not humans" they yell "Black Power!" and "My race gives me super anger and overly sexual needs!"

And of course, the minutemen are Ku Klux Klan, the Synth-syndicate secretly works for Martin Luther King whose DNA was preserved and has been living ever since.


I am sure we can elaborate on these brilliant ideas more, I'd really like to see the reactions.

Edited by sherameyn
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It's prohibitet in Germany for reason, and will probably get you in deep trouble when using them. But I don't think that's true for other countrys.


However, I don't understand the benefit of using a Hitler look-a-like or SS-Uniform in your game. Basically it would only implie I have understood nothing in history, or completely ignore it, or both.


People uploading such content maybe think they're really bad ass?

I think you should stop encroaching on peoples personal freedom. America is a country where people are free to think, research and say what they feel without government censorship and where personal determination is a founding principle of the constitution. I know as German those concepts are foreign to you so please refrain from imposing your world view on others. Thank you


100% agree

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Since we are so big on personal freedom... how about an ISIS/Taliban mod with a Fatman rebuild to Allah's Will, shooting suicide bombers, and every woman automatically wears a Niqab, and instead of magazines you find surah, oh, and of course you play this as Osama bin Laden lookalike. Playing as female is being disabled.


Or yet, even better, how about an authentic mod for US players if they are so big on reliving the 60's? How about the "Negro go Home" Mod?

All settlers are black, and all followers adress you with Maam or Ser, and the Supermutants are not green, but black and instead of yelling "We are superior!" and "Time for supermutants now, not humans" they yell "Black Power!" and "My race gives me super anger and overly sexual needs!"


And of course, the minutemen are Ku Klux Klan, the Synth-syndicate secretly works for Martin Luther King whose DNA was preserved and has been living ever since.



I am sure we can elaborate on these brilliant ideas more, I'd really like to see the reactions.

I really don't have a problem with any of that. Nobody is forcing me to install the mods. People are free to make whatever they'd like. That's how freedom of expression works. You expose yourself to things that might offend. That's well worth maintaining such freedom, in my opinion.


Actually, a mod that expansive at this point in time would be pretty useful so other modders could dissect it and figure out how it works.

Edited by LordGrievous
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Btw., America is NOT the USA. THIS is America:

Antigua and Barbuda
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago
United States

Btw., the right to speak what you think doesn't give you the right to act upon your thinking, just as ignoring the fact that the Internet is NOT the USA.
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Since we are so big on personal freedom... how about an ISIS/Taliban mod with a Fatman rebuild to Allah's Will, shooting suicide bombers, and every woman automatically wears a Niqab, and instead of magazines you find surah, oh, and of course you play this as Osama bin Laden lookalike. Playing as female is being disabled.


Or yet, even better, how about an authentic mod for US players if they are so big on reliving the 60's? How about the "Negro go Home" Mod?

All settlers are black, and all followers adress you with Maam or Ser, and the Supermutants are not green, but black and instead of yelling "We are superior!" and "Time for supermutants now, not humans" they yell "Black Power!" and "My race gives me super anger and overly sexual needs!"


And of course, the minutemen are Ku Klux Klan, the Synth-syndicate secretly works for Martin Luther King whose DNA was preserved and has been living ever since.



I am sure we can elaborate on these brilliant ideas more, I'd really like to see the reactions.

I really don't have a problem with any of that. Nobody is forcing me to install the mods. People are free to make whatever they'd like. That's how freedom of expression works. You expose yourself to things that might offend. That's well worth maintaining such freedom, in my opinion.


Actually, a mod that expansive at this point in time would be pretty useful so other modders could dissect it and figure out how it works.



Yeah, if it was just possible at this point of time!

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But seriously. It is bigot to "allow" one thing and reject another.


If you allow Nazi mods, why not allow Terrorist mods?


Anyway, I'd rather like to see original mods based off on post-apocalyptic war themes/stories/movies, than glorifying any of current or past bullshit.


And believe it or not, Nazi symbols and the like are not only forbidden in Germany.


The difference is that in the US you have the right to speak your mind, but not to act upon your opinions.


Freedom of speech is not freedom of opinion. The latter is enforced by a whole lot of more nations than a small minded US citizen might like.

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It's prohibitet in Germany for reason, and will probably get you in deep trouble when using them. But I don't think that's true for other countrys.


However, I don't understand the benefit of using a Hitler look-a-like or SS-Uniform in your game. Basically it would only implie I have understood nothing in history, or completely ignore it, or both.


People uploading such content maybe think they're really bad ass?

I think you should stop encroaching on peoples personal freedom. America is a country where people are free to think, research and say what they feel without government censorship and where personal determination is a founding principle of the constitution. I know as German those concepts are foreign to you so please refrain from imposing your world view on others. Thank you


You missunderstood my statement. I'm merely trying to hold a mirror in your face, not restrict any of your individual freedom.


In case you haven't figured, when it comes down to free thinking, modern Germany is superior in freedom compared to the U.S, since we do not have a patriot act. Germans just don't feel the necessity to harm anyones personal feelings with uncalled opinions. Respect is the keyword, an idea that seems to be completely foreign to you... :wink:


Transfigure the fact that 60 million lifes got destroyed by the Nazis, in a most disgusting way, into something that needs to be "researched" sounds irritating. I bet any of the 6 Million gassed jews would agree. However, pushing the mirror in your face had exactly the effect I expected. You got all defensive because you thought your delusional idea of freedom got attacked, transporting that notion in a most vitriol way, and completely rendered you blind to any form of ethical behaviour.




German Freedom is superior. Hah and people say Germans dont have a sense of humor. Okay lets see here.


Your economy is completely dependent on ours if America sneezes the whole world gets the flu. So you are economically dependent on us.

Your army is a joke where you need to paint broomsticks to pretend like you have rifles. You dont have nukes and you cant even safeguard you own borders

Your constitution was written by us when you accepted the unconditional surrender under which you are our vassal state.

Your country and your media is under our surveillance and despite knowing this your puppet government cant do anything about it.

Your people have been brainwashed and programmed like pavlovs dog to do our bidding. All we have to do is speak the magic words and you will roll over and bend over backwards for us.

Your native culture ( or whats left of it) and your language is being overwritten by american culture and English language.

Should you ever develop any kind of free thinking we got enough military installations to overthrow any kind coup and retain a puppet government


In short: we own you.

You are free to go. Dismissed.


Edit: You also dont have the right to bear weapons for self defence like slaves do. You dont even have the right to defend yourself since what I've been told according to your law measure of defense cannot exceed measure of offence. So if someone comes into your home and decides to rob you, you cant even fight back.

Edited by wistfane
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