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Call Other Dragons shout


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Hello all,


I've been putting off making a request for ages, because I thought this idea would be simple enough to do myself. Two months later, I have nothing to show for it.


The basic idea is that, aside from Odahviing and Durnehviir, one would be able to unlock other shouts to summon other dragons.


Theoretically, this would be quite simple to do, but I tried doing this by duplicating all the pieces from the Call Dragon shout, but I couldn't get it to not call anyone but Odahviing. Ideally you would have to defeat each dragon to be able to call them and they'd teach you their shout, although for now I'd just be happy to be able to call more dragons.


I know there are summon dragon mods out there, but they don't feel like they fit in, story-wise. That and half of them (including my own attempt) cause summoned dragons to wildly spin around in the air.


Thank you anyone who considers this.

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