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Suggestion - Great Sea mod


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Hey modders, random ideas ftw! Anyways, I've been getting back into Wind Waker lately and now I've been wondering - what would the game's world be like as a Skyrim mod? I've seen all kinds of mods that recreate Skyrim as one of the Zelda maps (ie Hyrule from OOT, or the Windfall Island mod), but what about the Great Sea. From the islands to NPCs to monsters, I think it would be pretty neat to reimagine Wind Waker's world in Skyrim. Yes, I'm aware that this would probably take a load of time having to model the islands, the monsters, the characters, etc., but just think of the potential of this idea, or the appeal it would have for all the Wind Waker fans out there. For the first time, they would be able to explore the Skyrim-ified Forsaken Fortress or fight through the Savage Labyrinth, or just mess around in general (sniping Bokoblins off watchtowers...). Just a suggestion that I felt was thought too much and spoken too little--hopefully someone will take up the challenge of creating a Great Sea mod.


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