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Restoring Super Mutant / Nightkin voice files


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Since reinstalling New Vegas I've managed to keep the amount of mods to a minimum, but yet bugs still plague me. The only major glitch that's been bugging me was only evident when I reached Jacobstown. Marcus and Lily's subtitles appeared, but their mouths refused to move and their voice clips wouldn't play. Are there any ways to restore the voice files? I've tried validating my game cache, disabling a lot of mods, and sorting my load order.


Will provide my load order if need be.

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Load Order:



0 0 FalloutNV.esm
1 1 DeadMoney.esm
2 2 HonestHearts.esm
3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm
4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm
5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm
6 6 ClassicPack.esm
7 7 MercenaryPack.esm
8 8 TribalPack.esm
9 9 CaravanPack.esm
10 a Advanced Recon Tech.esm
11 b Detect Traps.esm
12 c FCOMaster.esm
13 d XRE - CARS!.esm
14 e FreesideOpen.esm
15 f Run the Lucky 38.esm
16 10 ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm
17 11 enclavebunker.esm
18 12 HonestHearts2.esp
19 13 Project Nevada - Core.esm
20 14 Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
21 15 Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
22 16 ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm
23 17 NVStripOpen.esm
24 18 NVWillow.esp
25 19 Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
26 1a jokristinascloset.esm
27 1b SpeedyResources.esm
28 1c fwv.esm
29 1d Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm
30 1e The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
31 1f The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
32 20 Detect Traps - Perk.esp
33 21 fwv.esp
34 22 The Lucky 38 Empire.esp
35 23 XRE - CARS!.esp
36 24 BrotherhoodHeliosOne.esp
37 25 Advanced Recon Gear.esp
38 26 Advanced Recon Tech.esp
39 27 1nivVSLArmors.esp
40 28 IMPACT.esp
41 29 FreesideOpenPatch.esp
42 2a MECourierStations.esp
43 2b enclavebunker.esp
44 2c Goodsprings Reborn.esp
45 2d StripOpenMain.esp
46 2e Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp
47 2f Advanced Recon Desert Ranger Helmet.esp
48 30 Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp
FCO - Willow (Cazy).esp
49 31 FewPosesMore NVedition.esp
50 32 Project Nevada - All DLC.esp
51 33 Advanced Recon Riot Gear Helmet.esp
52 34 StealthSuitAddons.esp
53 35 DragsCasualCourierAndMore.esp
54 36 LonesomeRoadScorchedSierraPowerHelmet.esp
55 37 WastelandFreelancer.esp
56 38 Radar.esp
57 39 Project Nevada - IMPACT.esp
58 3a joposes.esp
59 3b Realism Poses.esp
60 3c Courier Vests.esp
61 3d MP5A4 and SWAT Gear.esp
62 3e DriveableMotorCycle.esp
63 3f FCO - GlowingOne.esp
64 40 Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp
65 41 tacticalcorset.esp
66 42 Vepr-3V VPO-134 NV.esp
67 43 VegasVariations2.esp
68 44 VegasVariations.esp
69 45 FLVJOD-Freeside OPEN.esp
50sFFFLVJOD-Freeside Only Vanilla Replacers.esp
70 46 CourierCacheWSE.esp
71 47 CCO - Ulysses Companion.esp
72 48 Ultimate Companion Overhaul - New Vegas.esp
73 49 The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp
74 4a VertibirdCrashSites.esp
75 4b Courier's Crib.esp
76 4c DLCCompanions_1_3.esp
77 4d T60.esp
78 4e Republic Commando - Clone Commandos.esp
79 4f Nuka Cola Enhanced.esp
80 50 InteriorOwnership.esp
81 51 Companion Sandbox Mode3.esp
82 52 Courier Vault.esp
83 53 Goodpsrings Building Union KC.esp
84 54 Player Vertibird.esp
85 55 drgNV - Marcus Companion.esp
86 56 Couriers Blunder + Rifle.esp
87 57 Firefly_guns.esp
88 58 EnclaveVault.esp
89 59 Kaya47NordicGear.esp
90 5a CasinoHeists.esp
91 5b Area 51 - Project Roswell.esp
92 5c Detect Traps - Traponator 4000.esp
93 5d M14.esp
94 5e Advanced Recon Armor.esp
95 5f Kaya47GlacierGlasses.esp
96 60 Mateba.esp
97 61 DEagle.esp
98 62 M1905.esp
99 63 CasinoHeistPack.esp
100 64 LilMacNV.esp
101 65 CasinoBankMoney.esp
102 66 CCO - Ulysses Companion - Ulysses Keeps Mask.esp
103 67 BHPM1935.esp
104 68 LightUpAndSmokeThoseCigarettes_edisleado.esp
105 69 SaveCass.esp
106 6a Donta1979 MK117 Prototype Armor.esp
107 6b JustAnArmorPack_WithCheatBox.esp
108 6c JustAnArmorPack_NV.esp
109 6d JustAnArmorPack_WithCheatBoxAndAliceArmors.esp
110 6e TankHome.esp
111 6f LOTW.esp
112 70 WelcomeToNewVegas.esp
113 71 Opportunist Armor.esp
114 72 JTmercgearlite.esp
115 73 ghostbodysuitcamo.esp
116 74 NWghostbodysuit.esp
117 75 Willow's Eyes FIX.esp
118 76 FCO - Willow.esp
119 77 DragsSeamConcealers.esp
120 78 P0N-3 Radio.esp
121 79 RoadFighterArmorEN.esp
122 7a Down-Home-Christmas-Radio-V0.2.1.esp
123 7b R.A.C.E. Station.esp
124 7c FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - Enhanced.esp


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If this is the actual plugin.txt file results ?


your pushing near limits of the games ability to sort all of that data.


( HonestHearts2.esp ) not recognized..IF it contains the same records of it's master, it WILL cancel out voice files use.

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If this is the actual plugin.txt file results ?


your pushing near limits of the games ability to sort all of that data.


( HonestHearts2.esp ) not recognized..IF it contains the same records of it's master, it WILL cancel out voice files use.


To be honest, I've pushed it harder. Honest Hearts 2 might be the issue, it's known as Honest Hearts Reborn.

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the longer you run like this ,the larger your saved games become...and if you change things in the middle of an games run though? things get really messed up...and easier to kill progress.



Honest Hearts

Knowing How that DLC works, changing out things...putting things into it's world-spaces with all the out of order cells...makes for a real disaster.


But, there is way too much data listed here to nail anything..which brings up only one thing we can discuss...a single lay out of all the data ran without touching mod's plugins or removing things , adding things in the middle of all of this.


IF that should have taken place? all bets are off...any thing, absolutely anything can cause issues.


check...just for discussions sake (Honest Hearts) DLC for errors...using xedit FNVedit of your choice...what you see can not be altered in any way.


reasons are scripts point to these errors as spawns.. when spawns are enabled during quest events ,these errors are no longer errors for that quest stage....How I was told how it works is Diversity in the code...many ways the code can produce scenes, out comes. but the assemblies are not friendly to logic...they are friendly to the scripted Events only.


In the end // no spoilers...should you decide right or wrong with Ulises ? these things are produced....and there is also several cut scenes involved, language voice files that drop into place according to the path a player chooses....so, being this the case, re-writing that DLC is not a good Idea, Altering trigger zones that are not supposed to be there before they are designed to trigger will cause surmountable game play damage / outcomes.


So the problem your having is, triggers are canceled out Via cell changes Plus additions data is also involved.


keep older saved games handy..your remove mods, you need to go back to a time those mods you remove were not involved in the games play.


If you had not had so much data, I could have written a plugin to kill the offending data killing off your voice actors files...but as it is, way too much work for me to do.



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