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Hello guys,


I have installed the Overhaul 3.0. I have played as a Barbarian and all nice and smooth.


However, now I play a character which is focused on magic and combat. Reached level 7. An now, not even the simpliest of seplls work. Reviewing my spells panel, all spell says 0 chance to cast.


Destruction and Conjuration are the major skills. My current Magica is 62 and Willpower 48. Can't cast Firebite or Poison which are both 6 cost of Magica.


Have no effects on my character, at least, not visible since all the stats are healthy. No visible desease or negative spell.


Can someone help, please? Thanks

Edited by colombogermano
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I have a solution that worked for me.

The game can sometimes keep a silence stat on you after the original spell that affected you is over.

To check, open the console with the tilde key "~" and type:

If the value is 1.00 but you don't have the active effect visible, congrats you have the bug, here is how to fix.

Type in the console:
player->setsilence 0

Happy casting or the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.

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