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Would a Moon cycle be possible ?


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I have seen a mod to make nights darker, which I think is awesome, but I was wondering if it would be possible (once the mod tools come out) to take it a step further and have a Moon cycle and make nights darker/brighter accordingly ?


I have no modding knowledge whatsoever so I do not know how hard something like that would be nevermind if it's possible in the first place.


I was also wondering if anyone else would find that interesting, or if it's just me who loves bright full moon nights and really dark new moon nights ?


Thank you for your time :)

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  • 5 months later...

One thing that has consistently bugged me about F04 is that it has an unrealistic moon cycle, in that the moon always rises & sets at exactly the same time, and in the same place. I'd love to see a mod that actually adds an authentic moon cycle (complete with the very occasional solar or lunar eclipse) Regarding your suggestion of darker/lighter nights based on the wax/wane of the moon, I'm not sure if it's possible. The closest I've come to seeing something like this was with Extreme Cinema X ENB and it's resized moon. Version 7 had a gorgeous pink-hued moon in it, whilst version 8/9 have a more vanilla coloured moon, but also added luminosity/lens flare/god-moonrays. However, in version 9 the nights became ridiculously bright/light coloured, which was a deal-breaker for me... personally I love dark night skies (and this ENB isn't compatible with the darker nights mod unfortunately)

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