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Yes, if you add ol' Giggsy ;)



>Jobs :

I am actually a teacher in the language of English


>Age :



>Apperance :

*censored* ;)

I am from Norway,so I am a Nord!

Though I am a Nord, I have black hair and blue eyes(*censored* ;) )

Guess I am athletic built.

And I have an honest abe lincoln-beard in my face, but none of the beard-mods I've seen, includes a Abe beard

(Abe beard : A full beard around the face, EXCEPT a 'stash)

typical Nord face



>Habbits (Good/Bad) :

I like music! I play the bass!

He Is Legend ftw!


>Favorite Food :



>Favorite Colours :

Red and black


>Favorite Cyrodilian Town.

Waters Edge ;) Why isn't there anything cool going on at Waters Edge? There should be an awesome quest for the legendary blade, namely the "waters edge"!


>Other :

Race : Nord

Hair : medium long (nose width)


Thank you for your time :)

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Though I am a Nord, I have black hair and blue eyes(*censored* )

:huh: You are aware that Hitler's '*censored* Race' had BLONDE hair and blue eyes, right?


Anyway, I suppose you're in, but I was Really asking the people already in it.

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Though I am a Nord, I have black hair and blue eyes(*censored* )

:huh: You are aware that Hitler's '*censored* Race' had BLONDE hair and blue eyes, right?


Anyway, I suppose you're in, but I was Really asking the people already in it.


Yes, I know that the *censored* of Hitlers had BLONDE hair..... they wanted the Norse women for their hair colour. We have lots of fair-haired people :)


Sorry, you don't have to add me if you don't wanna :) but this mod sounds cool and it would be even cooler to be apart of it.

Am I the oldest one here? :P


Thanks for your time :)

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Am I the oldest one here? :P

Nope: http://forum.gamingsource.net/index.php?sh...=37824&st=0


You both know that Hitler's Aryan race wasn't actually Aryan, right?

The Aryans were people who originated northwest of India. They brought Hinduism to India after migrating there.


Hmm...mope, that I didn't know, Ninja_Lord666 :)

I always thought the arYan race origined from Hitler and his search for the perfect people.

You are rich of knowledge. Thanks for this contribution!


And Thanks for your time :)


(ps:have a look at my "new race" mod suggestion)

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If anyone is interested, IamBattosai has given me a subforum on his forum.




But, Switch and Dark0ne, keep this topic open, I'll still be posting updates, it just that I'll post them there first.

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Is there any vacancy yet?


No :happy:


Read the first post.


Do that and follow instructions then MAYBE.


copy and pasted from TLS:


GamingSource Mod is a Mod (suprisingly) that add several things to Oblivion:


1) A new guild-type organisation called (suprisingly) GamingSource.


2) A new plane of oblivion which has Dark0ne (bloke who owns GamingSource (the websites)) as a Daedric Prince.

>This plane has:

>>Homes (You get one when you join).

>> Shops. (run by Members of GamingSource (the websites)) For example, Ninja (whos asked, for obvious reasons, to have his name changed) would run a book/scroll shop.

>> A number of dungeons.

>> Various, unique, hidden, Equipment (not new models)

>> And more.....maybe


3) Some minor retextures (armour, maybe weapons)


4) Some homes in Cyrodil for the members who have asked to be a part of this mod.


5) A questline.



Amount finished (estimate):


1) 40%


2) 15%


3) 0%


4) 50%


5) 10% (means that I've got a general idea, but nothing comfirmed)

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