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Simple Workshop Junk Mod


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When you're playing if you have junk in your inventory you can go to your junk tab and press "C" to view what all the components will break down into, and you can also highlight specific parts and tag them for searching. This is a really helpful feature, especially if you have the perk scrounger, however one gripe I have with this system is that you cannot use it outsite of your own personal inventory.


I was hoping that someone could impliment this feature into the workshop menu, so you could place all your junk in the workshop, press C in the menu, and tag whatever parts that you want to either search for or stop searching for. This would be a really helpful feature for two reasons, you could easily keep track of how much total parts of any piece of junk you have, and you wouldn't have to take out all the junk from the workshop, just to mark what parts you're looking for.


I'm guessing that this mod wouldn't be that difficult to impliment because the feature is already there, it's just not in the correct place.

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